
Ext.scroll.Scrollerallowsanyelementtohavescrollablecontent,bothondesktopandtouch-screendevices,anddefinesasetofusefulmethodsfor ...,1.Createawindowandsettitle,width,heightandpanel.2.PlacehtmltoExtWindow.3.Windowwithanimatedlayout.,2011年11月8日—Hi,IhaveaUserControlwhichrepresentsoneitemofdata.IwanttodisplayseveraloftheseUserControlsinaPanelorContainer(Number ...,2010年4月6日—Ihaveaformpanelins...


Ext.scroll.Scroller allows any element to have scrollable content, both on desktop and touch-screen devices, and defines a set of useful methods for ...

Set Window autoScroll to true and anchor size

1. Create a window and set title, width, height and panel. 2. Place html to Ext Window. 3. Window with animated layout.

Scrollbar in Panel or Container

2011年11月8日 — Hi, I have a UserControl which represents one item of data. I want to display several of these UserControls in a Panel or Container (Number ...

[CLOSED] [1.0] Window with fit layout does not show scrollbars

2010年4月6日 — I have a formpanel inside a window with fit layout. If the content of the formpanel is longer than height of window, I dont see a scrollbar ...

ExtJS Window and autoScroll

Was just working on a similar problem and found a nice way to add a scroll to the window by placing in the below code: autoHeight: false, height: Ext.getBody().

Extjs scrollbar doesn't appear

Extjs scrollbar doesn't appear. extjs. I have a problem like in this topic: Extjs how to ... Ext.Component-cfg-scrollable) var win = Ext.create(Ext.window.Window ...

EXTJS Ext.Window Scroll

I have a couple of pop up boxes in my page which are basically ext.window. I am trying to set autoScroll:true for them but it doesnt show the scroll bars.


2014年3月5日 — I use Extjs 4.1 in bulding my web app. Since Viewport doesn't support autoScroll: true , I wanted to add this feature to my app so I tried: Ext.


2019年6月12日 — I would like to display a vertical scrollbar into the second fieldset but it seems that the fieldset height always adapts to its content. The ...

[Solved]-Extjs scrollbar doesn't appear

i changed the layout to auto, which did the trick for me. now it is possible to added/remove panels and the scroll-bar will automatically show/hide.